07 January 2009

Per Tradition

 Not the prettiest picture(s) of me, but Momma dictates a picture of me on the first day of school.  Always.  Who am I to say no to Momma?

Also, I've been listening to Garth Brooks today.

DeDe and I went today to put in our application for the apartment at Kateri Park I wrote about yesterday, and someone applied before us, and they wouldn't have another unit available for another month.  Awesome.  So tomorrow, we are getting up at the "butt-crack of dawn... like, 11:00" (DeDe's words) to go to apartments all day.  Also awesome.  By the way, when I'm saying "awesome" I really mean "not awesome".

I'm clearly not going to get through all my mountains of paperwork to get a CNA 1 Endorsement in Oregon before, I dunno, my money runs out, so I've decided that tomorrow will also be a day for me to apply for jobs as well as apartments.  For some reason Target keeps on popping into my head.  I don't know why, but what the heck, why not?  It may just come down to picking a street and going door-to-door asking for applications.  I'll take almost anything at this point.

Spent the evening with an old friend.  We read, talked, shared stories, and made delicious tuna sandwiches.

That's about all for now.