03 January 2009

Bookshelf = Window

I've made it to Portland!  I'm in my basement bedroom, or Bat Cave, as Rachel calls it.  My furniture consists of the dresser I brought down, a desk that I'm borrowing from the house, a borrowed lamp, and a borrowed mattress.  (The borrowed elements will not follow me to the new apartment... Craigslist much?)

I don't have a digital camera to give you an instant view of my place.  But I will describe to you the books on my desk.  I was not able to bring all of my books, as I desired, so I grabbed the ones I knew I'd want that would fit into a large canvas tote.

The American People (history text from Spring quarter at Green River)
Dangerous Surrender by Kay Warren (DON'T you dare prejudge and think that since she's from a megachurch and that her husband is Rick Warren that it's just a fluff book. I heard her speak at Urbana '06 on this topic and it was powerful.)
The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey
Hebrew Grammar by Weingreen (I want to brush up on it before I retake it in the Fall... I really do not want to fail!)
The Declaration of Independence and Other Great Documents of American History (yes I am that nerdy)
Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper
Sex, Economy, Freedom & Community by Wendell Berry
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
The Shack by William P. Young
The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne (which reminds me, I need to get books by Jim Wallace)
The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland by Gerald Clarke (Christmas gift from Ian... I'm enjoying it, though it is depressing at times)
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (sister is making me, plus I felt the movie, though strong in plot, lacked in character development, which I have heard will be present in the book)
Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudhem

On top of the books is propped a Scripture I collaged a year ago: 2 Corinthians 10:3-6  Beside the books is my photo album from my trip to Washington, D.C. in March, and next to that is a small stack of magazines.  I feel naked without magazines!  But score, I got new issues of my three favorite (Relevant, Smithsonian, and Real Simple) right before I left.

On the wall in front of my desk are two calendars.  One is a Grey's Anatomy calendar from my sister.  The other is in Spanish and is from a Catholic cemetery.  I love it because it's all in Spanish and every day list which saint's day it is, plus there is Scripture thrown in all over.  It's awesome.

I took a picture of me on my computer this morning before I left for a wedding.  Again, I can't figure out how to position the photo.  Agh.


Laura Grace said...

I don't think it's sunk in that you're leaving yet, either. I mean, I know that you're officially moving and all, but part of me thinks that you'll just be back in a month or so. Sad.