28 December 2008

Only Crazy People Fall In Love With Me

Bank robbers and killers, drunks and drug dealers.  Only crazy people fall in love with me.

Ah, The Wreckers.  Good song.

I don't really remember where I left off with updating y'alls.  I know I haven't written in two months.  Yikes.  Well, the latest news is that I'm moving back to Portland on Friday.  Yeay!  I'm very excited about it, but also a little bit freaked out.  Part of me still feels like this is just a visit; it has not yet sunk in that I'm moving.  It will sink in soon enough, though.  I've still got a lot to pack, plus I need to figure out how I'm going to get it all down.  Also, it should be noted that I'm not even moving into my own place right away.  I'll be living in my friends' basement for a couple weeks, then DeDe (another friend) and I will move into an apartment on about the 15th.  It should also be noted that DeDe and I do not have said apartment even picked out yet.  We will be on the hunt the next week.

Furthermore, I want you all to know, I will be moving down to Portland... unemployed.  That's right: I don't yet have a job lined up.  Whew, I've got a lot to do!

But on the bright side, my friends Desiree and Kyle are getting married on Saturday.  And on Sunday I will be back at The Well.

Thats all for now.  More soon.