06 January 2009

A Quick Update

I'm sick.  Cold, probably.

This morning I got up at 5:30 to go to the bathroom and blacked out, waking up with my face on the bathroom floor.

I'm not yet registered for class at PCC, even though the quarter began yesterday.  This is because I only want to take Spanish 102, but PCC has not yet received my Green River transcript, indicating I have taken the prerequisite Spanish 101.  I'm going to go to class tomorrow anyway and explain the situation to the teacher, and tell him that I'll register as soon as I'm able.  It probably doesn't help that I didn't go to the class on Monday (it's a Monday Wednesday class) because I was sick.  Okay, so I'll be a little behind.

I'm unemployed.  This needs to change.

Dede and I went to look at some apartments today.  We found one that we're going to apply for tomorrow.  Funny enough, it's right next to Kateri Park.  Kateri Park is an apartment complex that serves as a refugee resettlement program through Catholic Charities.  This is where I volunteered for a semester back in freshman year for a student ministry requirement.  The funny thing is, I had been praying and asking the Lord if I should go back there and do more work there.  If I were to move into this apartment, it would be impossible to not be a part of the Kateri Park community!

Other than that, nothing too new.

Sick.  Unemployed.  Unschooled.  These things need to change.


Laura Grace said...

Things will get better. They always do. Eventually.