04 February 2009

Entertaining Angels

Well, now's as good a time as any to update the old bloggeroo.  You may be wondering one or more of the following: Where are you living?  Where are you working?  How is school?  I am still living with Rachel and Emily, and I'm settling in quite well.  I'll be here at least until the end of the month.  Deeds and I are still looking for a place, as her lease ran up on Jan. 31... I actually haven't talked to her since last week, so as far as I know she's keeping her stuff at a friend's place and couch surfing.  We're supposedly looking for sublets (read: no credit-check) on Craiglist.  Mom, please refrain from freaking out.  Or telling Dad.  Ha.  I'm not working.  I have dropped off over twenty applications and resumes to many employers.  I had two interviews yesterday that went really well.  One restaurant G.M. said he really liked me, was very impressed, and will put my application and resume at the top of the pile, signed by him... but they're not hiring until maybe March.  The other restaurant gave me two interviews, told me they're probably hiring soon, though they wouldn't be able to offer me too many hours.  I'm still waiting to hear from them; it sounded like they needed to decide if I would be a good hire.  I had another interview today at a clothing store; the store manager forgot to show up so his wife interviewed me.  I'll probably be called in again so he can do it for real.  Thanks for costing me the $2 bus fare.  Hello, unemployed?  The search ensues....  School is great.  I'm really enjoying my Spanish class at Portland Community College.  It's a nice sigh of relief to not be in a hyper-Christian environment.  I really love learning Spanish, and I really love the class I'm in, and I really really really love taking the bus a half-hour each way.  No, seriously.  My Multnomah class is going quite well.  I finished my first assigned reading and met with Dr. Scalberg yesterday.  I was pleased to find that he really enjoyed by review!  "Good review.  You captured the essence of the book's purpose.  Prof. Eccles would be pleased."  Wow, well, gee!  Thanks, mister!  My next reading is about the Indians.  In the library today, picking up the book, I got a little too interested in the topic and came home with eight extra books!  Hey, I can't help it that this incredibly interesting (and not to mention vital!) topic in our history was deprived of me growing up.  I am determined to shed the notions of Indians that were ingrained in me as a child; I must seek out the truth for myself.

Not much else to update you on, I suppose.  My birthday is in two weeks, and I will finally be 21.  Don't know what I'll do.  I have no money, so I should choose to go out with friends who will want to treat me, no?  Hehe.  The movie Coraline comes out this weekend, so maybe I'll go to a 21+ theatre on my birthday to see it.  The weekend after my birthday I am going home to be with family.  I need to see my godmother, who shares my birthday, and Laura and I want to go to the new Snoqualmie Casino, because neither of us have been to a casino.  I doubt either of our parents would give us even a $20 for fun money, and since neither of us have even the slightest to spare (seriously, an Americano is a once-a-week splurge), it's looking like we'll be there for the scenery.  And to say we went to the new Snoqualmie Casino, of course.  Bob Saget is performing that Saturday, and I really want to go, but again, no moolah.  Alas, it will still be a good birthday, just doing what Laura and I do best.

Wow, I just spent an entire paragraph talking about my birthday.  Somebody shoot me, please?


Unknown said...

I won't shoot you, because you talked about me as well. And we both know how incredibly vain I am.