08 February 2009

Poor College Student Discovery #78

I've been buying boxes of macaroni and cheese.  The good stuff (Kraft) is the yummiest, but I only buy it when it's on sale for a dollar.  The store brand is usually a dollar, but on sale it can go for $0.75.  It is certainly more filling than the Kraft stuff, but not as tasty.

And yes, Captain Obvious, these are in no way healthy for me.  But when you have no income and bills to pay, food is the first thing to get cut from your budget.

On Friday I was filling my basket with my usual macaroni and cheese (yes, seventy-five cents a box!), a red tag boasting "$1.00" caught my eyes.  I walked a few paces to the left of the macaroni and saw that it was Rice-a-Roni.  "Sweet.  This has more flavor variety than the usual mac, plus it's rice, so it's probably better than bleached starchy nutrientless store brand pasta."  Plus, it was a dollar.  My new gold standard on whether or not I am spending my money well is whether or not I can get a meal for a dollar.  I got five boxes, very satisfied with my purchase.

I made my Rice-a-Roni tonight.  It's a slightly longer process than mac-n-cheese, but it also involved no draining water.  Score.  When my delicious broccoli au gratin was done, I served it up into a dish.  What?  What's this I see?  There's still a ton in the skillet!  Can this be?  I just got two meals out of one box!  I actually put up leftovers!  Not only is it delicious, and healthy(er), but there's enough to make two meals.

I am so blessed to see how, around every corner, the Lord is just providing for me in ridiculous ways.  I can't even begin to count the ways He's provided, and the only appropriate response I can think of is to give Him thanks and to continue to trust Him.