I believe I'm a good writer--when inspiration strikes. When the proper inspiration has appeared, I have written poems, essays, short stories, emails, and blog posts that really satisfy me. Even in homework assignments, I've written some good stuff.
Maybe you don't agree. Well, I really don't care. My writing makes me happy. And I know it makes God happy. Beyond that I seek to please no one.
I pray I may keep that tenacity this fall. I will be taking Multnomah's most difficult and stressful class, Advanced Writing with Professor Pothen. I can't decide what intimidates me more: the on-average 10-15 page paper, or the professor. The prompt of the paper is simply this: Write about that which you can't not write. I've been thinking about this prompt for the last two months. I don't want to force a topic, because I know it will show. I will do my best writing if I indeed follow the prompt. But what can I not not write about?
I'll examine what I have written about. This surely should show me what matters enough to me to write down my thoughts. Much of my blog has been devoted to updating the reader on the goings-on of my life. La-dee-dah, not writing my Pothen paper of the bildungsroman I have been witness to. (Well, I'm sure that whatever topic I choose will have something to do with some life experiences.) Other posts have regarded my experiences with depression and a myriad of issues that accompany it. I sometimes feel I could write ten papers on such issues! I remember a particular blog I wrote in December of 2005, my senior year of high school. I was expressing my disgruntlement with the commercialization of Christmas. Then I got on the subject, somehow, of how Christians just pay lip service and really don't mean anything we profess with our lips, because our actions don't match. It was actually a milestone in the development of my faith. It was probably the first time I examined the Church and came to a conclusion that was not rosy.
There is an ever-dynamic list of possible topics. They will most certainly be vomited onto this blog.
The only things that literally can't be written about are the things which, when written, become. A paper about healing rituals particular to certain tribes in the outskirts of Papa New Guinea will never be the rituals. That's about.
An outpouring of lies on a page, written correctly, would not be lies about anything, but lies themselves. Not about.
The only things that literally can't be written about are the things which, when written, become. A paper about healing rituals particular to certain tribes in the outskirts of Papa New Guinea will never be the rituals. That's about.
An outpouring of lies on a page, written correctly, would not be lies about anything, but lies themselves. Not about.
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