13 March 2009

I'm in a hyper-linking kind of mood.

My friend Brandon reminded me today that I am behind in blogging.  I've got some good blogs knocking around in this brain of mine.  Perhaps it is time to spill some of that bloggy goodness out.

Yesterday I made PostSecrets.  They turned out quite well, and today I sent them!  This was exciting, because though I have made one before I've never sent one.  Yeay!

Today I spent the day with a new-ish friend Anna.  We both went to Multnomah together my freshman year before she transferred to Azusa Pacific in Los Angeles.  But actually, we never really ever talked at all when we were at Multnomah together.  My only memory of Anna is this: She wore a really kick-ass Sleeping Beauty shirt.  I really liked it, and thought to myself "I need to be friend with this girl, simply so I can borrow that shirt."  Seriously, she wore it a lot, and every time she did, I had this thought.  After a while, I did start to feel guilty; I mean, use someone for a stinkin' t-shirt?  Yeah.  Anyway, we never talked that year.  At some point we became friends on facebook.  The irony is that our friendship stemmed from facebook.  We talked back and forth a bit, and now have hung out twice since I moved back to Portland.  So, it was nice to spend time with my new-ish friend Anna, and I look forward to seeing where this friendship goes.

After Anna and I crashed Zichterman's Hebrews through Revelation class, we sat outside to enjoy the rare Portland sunshine (that Anna totally brought with her from L.A.).  Our friend Brandon approached us and our conversation turned to blogs (a favorite topic, as we all are bloggers) and B$ (that's B-money for your uneducated folk) caused me to remember my lack of updates.  I told him that I've got approximately three blogs that I'm mentally working on.

Then Anna and I went to Burgerville and got the most delicious Rosemary Shoestring Potatoes (yum!) and shakes.  Throughout the day I was taking pictures with my Canon AE-1, and I look forward to how they turn out.  I got a lot of people shots.  I like taking advantage of our sunny days because I really don't know much about light.

That's about all I did today.  I like being on Spring Break.  Now I'll try to systematize my thoughts for future blogs.


Anna Howatt said...

I really think it was an all around perfect day, mostly ;)

Anna Howatt said...

P.S I am also very excited to see where this friendship goes as well. Turns out my shirt was more than just an amazing article of clothing.