18 September 2009

87% of blogs are simply narcissisms. I'm definitely part of the majority.

It's amazing to me that you can see so many people on a daily basis and get to the end of the week and are wiped out. Here it is Friday night, the third week of school, and I've declined several tempting offers to socialize. I'm quite content to sit here, surf the web for music downloads, upload some photos to facebook, and possibly watch a  movie. I sound like a fuddy-duddy, no? Twenty-one years old and I'm as tired as my parents.

Let me paint a picture of my life at present, and perhaps you'll understand.

School has been beneficial. I started out the semester with 13 credits. I am now down to 6, and am okay with this. Yes, it is getting a little tiring, this conversation I have on an almost-daily basis: "Are you a new student?" "No, this is actually my fourth year." "Oh, are you a senior?" "No, I'm a sophomore and have no idea when I'll be a junior, let alone graduate." "What's your major?" "History." "What do you want to do with that?" "Graduate. Then go to nursing school." It seems like I'll never graduate sometimes. So I'm a little untraditional... so what? But I'm liking the two classes I'm taking, both in my majors. I'm glad I'm not taking four classes like I had originally planned, because I know I would have died.

Work. Is work. I'm at 32 hours a week. A blessing, yes, but probably the source of my near-constant fatigue. I've found that there's no such thing as an easy job. And when you think you're job is easy, you're probably not doing what you should be doing. It really comes down to making the decision, to do what you're supposed to do or be lazy and do whatever the flip you can get away with. It's so easy to take the lazy route, but I'm going to press on and do my job right. I just had my six month anniversary at my company yesterday. I'm pretty happy about that. My time at the facility I worked at last year lasted six and a half, so assuming I don't royally screw anything up too bad in the next couple weeks, I should outlive that job.

So there you have it. Work and school. They drain me. Plus, I feel that after a summer nearly void of any socialization with people my own age, going to school everyday and seeing everyone there for the last three weeks has been surprisingly exhausting. Almost as if I've oversocialized. I shall now resign to listening to music, downloading music, and writing songs that have been bouncing around inside my cranium.