13 July 2008

September 22

I will be continuing my studies this fall at Green River Community College.  I look forward the classes I will take: Choir (finally!), Spanish (again, finally!), and Intro to Anatomy and Physiology.  Spanish I would like to take a full year of, and I'm only taking Intro to A&P because it is a prerequisite to take the two-quarter series of Anatomy and Physiology, so I think that this coming year I may only be taking the same three classes over again.  I guess I'm fine with that, I just hope I don't become too bored or restless.  There are many Spanish-speakers at my work, so I'm glad I'll have help there if I feel like practicing.  And my job is in healthcare, i.e. I take care of peoples' bodies, so that will help me apply what I am learning in A&P.  And choir, well choir's just a great outlet.

Good news!  I went to Kent Cornucopia Days on Saturday and I talked with a lady from the Kent Historical Society, and she said they need volunteers and that if I wanted to become a docent it would just involve a training session and then a commitment of once a month.  Can you believe it?!  I can be a docent!  I real-life docent, at a real-life museum, in a topic that is super-interesting to me!  Happy day, happy day!

Well, I must be off to work now.  I finally was able to buy new scrubs!  Have a nice day, Laura and Peter.


Laura Grace said...

Wow...can we maybe update once in a while?

Again, I'm holding that plank very close to my own eye. But still, take care of the sawdust in yours.

Laura Grace said...

Since I finished my Gold Star Challenge, I feel I have even more of a right to criticize you.

Also, my last comment on this was almost a month ago. And the most recent blog post still says that you're taking choir. I'm pretty sure you decided forever ago that you weren't.
