28 April 2008

The happiest moment of my life.

Okay, exaggeration. But you have to read this. I wrote this on the myspace of a coworker who is vacationing in Japan.

You totally missed it! We had an armed robbery last night! I feel really bad, because I sat the guy, but how was I to know? One minute he was eating his burger, then he followed J---- into the back and held a gun to his face. I don't know what happened after that, but it was really scary for a few minutes before the cops showed. Some people just got up and left, running out the front, and a four year old got run over by a teenager on the way out. Anyways, the police came running in the front and the back, arrested the guy, and J---- only had a split lip. We stopped letting people in after that. We just waited for people to finish up and then we closed. And needless to say, it was hard falling asleep last night.

And his response:

OMG, I just got your message. That is unbelievable. I'm so sorry. Everybody must be shaken up about the whole ordeal. Hope you are ok. :( I really am wishing I could have been there so I COULD KICK THE LIVIN S--- OUT OF THAT MOTHER F------! ahem... anyways, don't let it bother you too much, you have to realize you do live in Kent..

I pretty much love me right now.

27 April 2008

Quick, overdue, somewhat lame update for y'alls.

Hi... I feel kind of awkward. I haven't written in this in four(?) months. I intended to post an update a long time ago. Obviously, never happened.

I did not return to Multnomah in January for the Spring semester. There were reasons for this that to be quite honest would not be completely rational to share on a blog. I wish I could be more transparent, but I'm not. If you'd like further details, just ask me, I'm sure I'll tell you.

I moved back home, and in January began a training course at Renton Technical College to become a Nursing Assistant. No, I don't want to go into nursing. I just did it so I can get a job as a CNA. It's a good skill to have, I'll always be able to get a job, and it pays well.

That class did not last the entire quarter, so between the end of that class and the beginning of Green River's Spring quarter I had almost month of vacation. So I went to Maryland to visit my friend Charlotte. It was a great trip... got my ear pierced!

Also right as I was finishing my Renton Tech class I began working at Red Robin as a hostess. It's a great job and I really enjoy it, plus the people I work with are great.

Currently I am taking fifteen credits at Green River. All online, so it's more Caroline-paced. Translation: I get to sleep in.

Now for the juicy details, what I know you all are wondering: Am I coming back to Multnomah?

Well... I have not decided yet. I know, I know: I'm killing you, Smalls. But don't worry, I have given myself a May 1st deadline to decide. Hey, would you look at that, that's this Thursday!

See, no worries. You'll know soon.

Pray for me if you so desire....